
UPSC Engineer, Asst Professor & Lecturer Notification 2017
Union Public Service Commotion – UPSC published an official notification for Recruitment of Engineer, Asst Professor & Lecturer for 54 posts. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment. You can view more details about this recruitment including No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply etc… You can also view official notification and other important facts about this recruitment e.g. Important links and Important dates.
Job details
- No. of posts: 54
Name of posts:
- Assistant Director (Chemistry): 01 Post
- Assistant Engineer (NQA)
- Electrical Engineering: 01 Post
- Mechanical Engineering: 02 Posts
- Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor
- Anatomy: 08 Posts
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 13 Posts
- Ophthalmology: 03 Posts
- Orthopaedics: 01 Post
- Paediatric Cardiology: 02 Posts
- Radio-Therapy: 10 Posts
- Assistant Executive Engineer: 06 Posts
- Driller-In-charge: 05 Posts
- Lecturer
- Electrical: 01 Post
- Mechanical: 01 Post
Educational qualification & Age limit:
Assistant Director (Chemistry): M.Sc. in Agricultural Chemistry or M.Sc. in Chemistry with specialization either in Organic Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a recognised University / Institution.
- Not more than 38 years
Assistant Engineer (NQA)
Electrical Engineering: Degree in Engineering in the discipline of Electrical/Electronic Engineering from recognised University
- Not more than 33 years
Mechanical Engineering: Degree in Engineering in the disciplines of Mechanical Engineering from recognised University.
- Not more than 33 years
Electrical Engineering: Degree in Engineering in the discipline of Electrical/Electronic Engineering from recognised University
Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor
Anatomy: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 ( 102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section(3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Superspeciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Master of Surgery (Anatomy); or Doctor of Medicine (Anatomy); or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Science (Anatomy); or Master of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Anatomy); or Master of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Science (Medical Anatomy).
- Not more than 40 years
Obstetrics and Gynaecology: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 ( 102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section(3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Super-speciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); or Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology).
- Not more than 40 years
Ophthalmology: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part-II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Super-speciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Master of Surgery (Ophthalmology); or Doctor of Medicine (Ophthalmology).
- Not more than 40 years
Orthopaedics: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part-II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Superspeciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics).
- Not more than 45 years
Paediatric Cardiology: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 ( 102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section(3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Superspeciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Doctorate of Medicine (Paediatric Cardiology); or Doctorate of Medicine (Cardiology); or Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) with two years special training in Cardiology.
- Not more than 45 years
Radio-Therapy: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Super-speciality mentioned in Section-A of Schedule VI i.e. Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Radiology); or Master of Surgery (Radiology)
- Not more than 40 years
Anatomy: (i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 ( 102 of 1956). Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section(3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956). (ii) Post- Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or Superspeciality mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI i.e. Master of Surgery (Anatomy); or Doctor of Medicine (Anatomy); or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Science (Anatomy); or Master of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Anatomy); or Master of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Science (Medical Anatomy).
Assistant Executive Engineer: Degree in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Electrical or Civil Engineering or Degree in Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
- Not more than 35 years
Driller-In-charge: (i) Degree in Drilling / Mining /Mechanical / Civil/ Electrical Engineering / Petroleum Engineering from a University recognized by Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resources Development, All India Council for Technical Education, University Grants Commission, Indira Gandhi National Open University or State Government; (ii) One year experience in operation and maintenance of drilling rigs ‘OR’ (b)(i) Diploma in Drilling / Mining / Mechanical/ Civil/ Electrical/ Petroleum Engineering from a University recognized by Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resources Development, All India Council for Technical Education, University Grants Commission, Indira Gandhi National Open University or State Government; (ii) five years experience in operation and maintenance of drilling rigs.
- Not more than 30 years
Electrical: First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology in Electrical/Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Not more than 35 years
Mechanical: First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology in Mechanical Engineering/Production Technology.
- Not more than 35 years
Electrical: First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology in Electrical/Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Assistant Director (Chemistry): M.Sc. in Agricultural Chemistry or M.Sc. in Chemistry with specialization either in Organic Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a recognised University / Institution.
- Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community. No “fee exemption” is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee. Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
Selection Process
- The category-wise minimum level of suitability in interviews, irrespective of whether the selection is made only by interview or by Recruitment Test followed by interview, will be UR-50 marks, OBC-45 marks, SC/ST/PH-40 marks, out of the total marks of interview being 100.
- In cases where selection is made by Recruitment Test (RT) followed by interview, the candidate will have to achieve minimum level of suitability in their respective category at both stages i.e. ‘Recruitment Test’ as well as ‘Interview’. The minimum level of suitability in case of RT shall be decided by the Commission on case to case basis
How to apply
- Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for above said posts.
Important dates
- Advertisement No.: 15/2017
- Online application start from: 13/08/2017
- Last date for online application: 31/08/2017
- Last date for Printing of Completely Submitted online application: 01/09/2017
Important links:
- View official advertisement: Click here
- Apply online