
New India Assurance Company Recruitment 2018
The New India Assurance Company Limited – NIACL published notification for recruitment for Administrative Officer (Scale-I) Medical Posts.View more details about recruitment for e.g. educational qualification, selection process, age limit, name of post, how to apply, important dates, important links all are as under. See other details in official advertisement.
Posts Details
- No. of Posts: 26
- Name of Posts: Administrative Officer (Scale-I) Medical
NICL AO Eligibility Criteria
- Educational Qualification: A candidate must possess the minimum qualification of M.B.B.S / M.D. / M.S. or PG-Medical Degree from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree (at least 55% marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates); or equivalent foreign degrees which are recognized as such by the Medical council of India with the prescribed benchmark. Furthermore, the candidate must be holding a valid registration from Medical Council of India or any State Medical Council. Please note that Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, Unani etc. are not valid disciplines for this post.
- Age limit: 21 years and the Maximum Age of 30 years as on 01.01.2018
- Application Fee (Non-Refundable): Rs. 200/- for All candidates other than SC/ST/PWD & Nil for SC / ST / PWD.
NICL AO Selection Procedure
- Adequate number of candidates as decided by the Company will be shortlisted based on their qualification, experience and overall suitability for Interview. The qualifying marks in Interview will be as decided by the Company. Merit list for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in Interview only. In case more than one candidate score the cut off marks [common mark at cut off point], such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order. Further, if the date of birth is also same, the candidate with higher marks in qualifying degree will be considered.
- Outstation candidates called for Interview will be reimbursed to and fro AC second class rail fare/bus fare by the shortest route from the station of residence to the place of Interview on production of evidence of having undertaken journey for interview purpose.
How to Apply
- Applications should be submitted online only. Applications made in any other mode will not be acceptable. The application link, available in the recruitment section of our website “ “
- Detailed Guidelines/Procedures for:
- Application Registration
- Payment of Fees
- Photograph & Signature Scan and Upload
- Detailed Guidelines/Procedures for:
Important Dates
- Advertisement No.: CORP.HRM/AO-MED/2017
- Online application start from: 02/01/2018
- Last date for online application: 17/01/2017
Important Links
- View official advertisement: Click here
- Apply online