
IOCL Recruitment 2017
Indian Oil Corporation Limited – IOCL, Marketing Division, Eastern Region invited from candidates meeting the following qualification & other parameters for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961 (as amended from time to time) in the Trade/Discipline. View more details about recruitment for e.g, educational qualification, selection process, age limit, salary details, how to apply, no of posts, name of posts, important dates, important links all are as under.
Posts Details
- No. of Posts: 381
- Name of Posts: Trade / Technical Apprentices
- State wise Posts
- Assam: 87 Posts
- Bihar: 43 Posts
- Jharkhand: 22 Posts
- Odisha: 42 Posts
- West Bengal: 176
- Assam,Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha & West Bengal: 11 Posts
Educational Qualification:
- For Discipline Code 101/201/301/401/501 –Technician Apprentice-Mechanical : minimum 3(Three)Years full time regular/sandwich diploma in Mechanical Engineering from recognized University/Institute.
- For Discipline Code 102/202/302/402/502 –Technician Apprentice-Electrical : minimum 3(Three) Years full time regular/sandwich diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized University/Institute.
- For Discipline Code 103/203/303/403/503 –Technician Apprentice-Instrumentation : minimum 3(Three) Years full time regular/sandwich diploma in Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Electronics/Instrumentation & Control Engineering from recognized University/Institute.
- For Discipline Code 104/204/304/404/504–Trade Apprentice-Fitter : Matric with 2(Two) year ITI (Fitter) full time, regular course from recognized University/Institute
- For Discipline Code 105/205/305/405/505–Trade Apprentice-Electrician: Matric with 2 year ITI(Electrician) full time, regular course from recognized University/Institute
- For Discipline Code 106/206/306/406/506 –Trade Apprentice-Electronics Mechanic : Matric with 2(Two) year ITI(Electronics Mechanic) full time, regular course from recognized University/Institute
- For Discipline Code 107/207/307/407/507 –Trade Apprentice-Instrument Mechanic : Matric with 2(Two) year ITI(Instrument Mechanic) full time, regular course from recognized University/Institute
- For Discipline Code 508 – Trade Apprentice Laboratory Assistant : 3(Three) years full time B.Sc (Physics,Mathematics,Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry) from recognized University/Institute
- Age limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 01.12.2017
- Stipend: Based on 90% of the semiskilled wages of State or Central, whichever is higher, revised periodically. An additional ` 2500/- shall be paid.
Selection Methodology
- Final selection for engagement of apprentices will be based on aggregate of Written Test and Personal Interview marks. Candidates, in the order of merit will be offered the apprenticeship.
IOCL Apprentice Exam Pattern & Syllabus
- Selection process would consist of two stages i.e written test & personal interview. The written test will be of two hours duration & would comprise of objective type of questions with multiple choice on the relevant discipline, general knowledge/awareness and reasoning/logical ability. There shall be no negative marking. The questions will be in bilingual ie., English and Hindi
- Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for being shortlisted for Personal Interview or the final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, relative performance in respective categories.
- The written test and interview would carry a weightage of 85 % and 15 % respectively.
- Final selection will be based on aggregate of Written Test and Personal Interview marks. Candidates, in the order of merit will be offered the apprenticeship.
- The candidates will have to qualify successfully through each stage of the selection process i.e. Written Test and Personal Interview (Minimum 40%, relaxable by 5% for candidates from SC/ST/PWD Categories against reserved positions) and Pre-engagement medical fitness for being adjudged suitable for engagement.
- Candidates are advised to ensure that they are medically fit as per IndianOil’s pre-employment medical standard. Candidates are advised to go through the “Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Preemployment medical Examination” before they commence the application process.
How to Apply
- The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria may apply online.
Important Dates
- Advertisement. No. IOCL/MKTG/ER/APPR./17-18
- Date Of Opening Of Online Application: 04/12/2017
- Last Date Of Submission Of Online Application: 10/12/2017
Important Links
- View official advertisement: Click here
- Apply online