
GNLU Recruitment 2017
Gujarat National Law University – GNLU published an official notification for Recruitment of Coordinator for Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Chair on Everyday Ethics in the Legal Profession posts. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment. You can view more details about this recruitment including No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply etc… You can also view official notification and other important facts about this recruitment e.g. Important links and Important dates.
Post details
- Name of posts: Coordinator for Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Chair on Everyday Ethics in the Legal Profession
- Advertisement Reference No.: GNLU/AD/FP-22/2017
- Educational qualification: Essentials (i) A distinguished scholar, researcher or practitioner having more than 5 years of relevant experience, preferably having doctorate in the same or connected subject, who in the view of the Selection Committee has made significant contribution to knowledge of Ethics in the Legal Profession or who could realize the aim and objectives of the Chair; (ii) Good knowledge of latest national and international research trends and developments in Ethics in the Legal Profession field; (iii) Ability to conceptualize and organize international training workshops and brainstorming online/on-site discussions apart from teaching/Research; and (iv) Fluency in English language. Desirable (i) Experience in working with international Ethics in Legal Profession policy, research and/ or advocacy agencies, law firms, corporate house, relevant governmental agencies/departments; (i) International exposure and outlook to Ethics in the Legal Profession; (ii) Experience of research projects in the field of ethics in the legal profession and /or Research contribution in relevant area.
- Application fee: Rs. 500 for candidates from unreserved category and ₹ 300 for candidates from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Differently-abled (Physically and visually differently-abled) categories. Fees shall be paid either in cash at the University or through Demand Draft drawn in favor of Gujarat National Law University payable at Ahmedabad. No other mode of fees payment shall be accepted. Application form without the requisite application fees shall be summarily rejected. The candidates from reserved categories must attach self-attested copy of certificate of category in support of their claim.
Selection Process
- Final selection will be based on Interview.
How to apply
- Interested and eligible candidates can send their application in prescribed format to below mentioned address along with necessary documents.
Email ID:
- The Registrar, Gujarat National Law University, Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba-Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382426, India.
Important dates
- Last date for receipt of application: 29/11/2017 till 5:00 pm..
Important links
- View official advertisement: Click here
- Download application form: Click here