
UPSC NDA / NA – II Admit Card 2017
Union Public Service Commission – UPSC published e-admit card / e-call letter for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NA / NDA) – II, 2017. This exam will be held on September, 2017. Eligible candidates can print or download their call letter from below mentioned link. You can also view more details about above said recruitment in this update.
The e-Admit Cards for the candidates have been uploaded on the Commission’s Web-site which may be down loaded. Letters of rejection to the candidates stating reason(s) for rejection have already been sent through e-mail provided by the candidates. If any applicant is not able to down load his e-Admit Card, he may contact UPSC Facilitation Counter on Telephone Nos. 011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. on working days. The candidate may also send Fax message on Fax No. 011-23387310. The candidates may note that no paper admit card will be issued.
In case the photograph is not printed or is not visible on the e- Admit Card, candidates are advised to carry two (2) identical photographs (one photograph for each session) along with proof of identity such as Identity Card ( Students I Card used by School/College), Voter I Card, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Passport etc. and printout of e-Admit Card to the venue of the Examination to secure admission in the Examination.
Exam Details:
- Exam Name: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (NA / NDA) – II
- Exam Date: 10/09/2017
Download e-admit card for NA / NDA – II Exam 2017
- Download e-admit card: Click here
UPSC NDA / NA Exam pattern & Syllabus
Written exam pattern:
- Sections: The examination will be asked in two subsequent sections; written test and intelligence & personality test.
- The question paper of written test will contain objective type questions and sectioned in code 1 & 2 as shown in the table below.
- For an incorrect response, there will be negative marking.
- Answering Method: Each question will have four optional answer candidates have to choose the right one only.
- Candidates use only black ball pen to mark answers.
- Language: The paper will be of both language Hindi & English.
- Mode of Exam: The paper will be held through offline mode.
Syllabus for written exam:
- The syllabus has been divided into 2 sections Mathematics and General Ability Test.
- The General Ability Test section will contain questions from different topics such as Physics, Chemistry, General Science, English, General Knowledge, Geography and Current Events.
- Candidates can prepare for the exam from the above-mentioned topics for better preparations.