
DMRC Recruitment 2018
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation – DMRC, a joint venture company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi published an official notification for Recruitment of Executive & Non-Executive posts in DMRC. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment. You can view more details about this recruitment including No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply etc…
DMRC recruitment 2018 notification:
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) recruitment drive is open for the posts of Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer, Legal Assistant, Assistant Programmer, Fire Inspector, Librarian, Maintainer, Office Assistant and Store Assistant. Government job aspirants who were eagerly waiting for the opportunity can start applying for the posts now as the process has begun.
Job details
- No. of posts: 1896
Name of Posts:
- Jr. Engineer: 645 Posts
- Assistant Manager: 141 Posts
- Maintainer: 1058
- Office Assistant: 14 Posts
- Store Assistant: 13 Posts
- Assistant Programmer: 09 Posts
- Legal Assistant: 04 Posts
- Fire Inspector: 10 Posts
- Librarian: 02 Posts
Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
Asst. Manager/ Electrical, Asst.. Manager/ S&T, Asst.. Manager/ Operations, Asst. Manager/ Stores, Asst. Manager/ Environment, Asst. Manager /IT
- You should GATE Qualified for the year 2017.
- You should have got a minimum of 60% marks /equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech in the respective discipline from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score.
Asst. Manager /Fire–
- You should be a B.Sc (Three years duration) or equivalent from a Govt. recognized University
- You should have one year Advance Diploma of National Fire Service College of Nagpur or BE(Fire) of NFSC, Nagpur or equivalent.
Jr.Engineer/ Electrical, Jr.Engineer/ Electronics, Jr.Engineer/ Mechanical, Jr.Engineer/ Civil, Jr.Engineer/ Environment, Asst. Programmer
- You should have three years Engineering Diploma in the respective discipline/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute.
Legal Assistant
- You should be an LLB with minimum 50% marks from a recognized Govt. recognized University/Institutes or National Law School.
Asst. Manager/ Electrical, Asst.. Manager/ S&T, Asst.. Manager/ Operations, Asst. Manager/ Stores, Asst. Manager/ Environment, Asst. Manager /IT
- Age limit: 18 to 28 (as on 01.01.2018)
Application Fee:
- UR & OBC (including Ex-servicemen) candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- (exclusive of bank transaction) and SC/ST/PWD & Women candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 250/- (exclusive of bank transaction charges).
- Recruitment Fee including Bank transaction charges once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility, the closing date for submission of online application before paying the application fee plus bank transaction charges.
- If a candidate wants to apply for more than one post, he/she will have to pay separately for each post.
Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment Selection Process
- For Executive cadre posts, selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process –CBT (two papers), Group Discussion & Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination in Executive(Technical/Non-technical) category.
- For Non- Executive posts, selection methodology will comprise a two stage process – CBT (two papers), followed by Medical Examination & for Maintainers posts selection methodology will comprise a two-stage process – CBT (One paper), followed by Medical Examination.
DMRC Exam Pattern & Syllabus
Paper – I (Questions: 120 Marks & Time: 90 Minutes)
- General Awareness
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Knowledge of your Discipline
Paper – II (Questions: 60 Marks & Time: 45 Minutes)
- English Language
- There will be a negative marking of 0.33 marks for every wrong answer.
- All candidates have to undergo the medical fitness test(s) and meet the medical standards prescribed by DMRC for various posts
- CBT will be bilingual (English & Hindi).
- You will be undergoing a training of two years.
Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment How to Apply
- Candidates are required to apply online through website only.
Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment – Important Dates
- ADVT NO: DMRC / OM / HR /II/ 2018
- Online registration start date: 27/01/2018 (10.00 AM)
- Online application submission and payment start date: 01/02/2018 (10.00 AM)
- Online application submission and payment closure date: 26/02/2018 (11:59 PM)
- Availability of Call Letters on DMRC website for CBT Will be intimated by email/sms on registered email/phone number
Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment – Important Links
- View Delhi Metro Rail Recruitment – Official Notification / advertisement: Click here
- Apply online